easyface全方位的护肤体验凝结于一款优雅洁面仪中:1. 引领硅胶科学前沿技术当F. S. Kipping教授在20世纪初发明硅胶的时候,他一定没有想到后来尼尔•阿姆斯特朗(Neil Amstong)登上月球时的第一个脚印是由硅胶鞋底完成的。这种功能丰富的材质已经成为无数现代先进科技的基础,从开创性的医疗技术到前沿电子技术等。2. 零磨损的医用硅胶科技easyface 圆形的柔软硅胶刷头比传统纤维刷毛能更温柔、更有效地传递声波脉动,且针对不同类型的肤质专业设计,刷头以特定的顺序排列。easyface的柔软硅胶刷 头不具损伤性的扭转力和拉动力,让您即使长期使用也不会损伤肌肤,温柔又深层地清洁肌肤的同时,祛除多余坏死角质,让肌肤自由呼吸、重获 3. 卫生安全,极富价值easyface采用柔软细腻的医用硅胶,不会引起排斥,不会导致过敏反应,是市面上最安全、最卫生的深层洁面及抗衰老方式。硅胶刷头不具有渗透性,能够抑制细菌滋生;并且硅胶持久耐用,easyface无需更换刷头,不仅节约经济,而且环保无污染。4. 抗衰老模式easyface的抗衰老模式通过同心波纹的曲面传递脉动,放松面部紧张肌肉,让肌肤更光滑的同时淡化动态纹和表情纹;低频脉动集中改善皱纹区域的血液微循环,为肌肤提供充足的氧和营养物质,加速细胞代谢,促进胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的生成,恢复肌肤的紧致与弹性。5. T-SONIC透肤声波脉动T- Sonic技术是指接触皮肤的声波脉动通过刺激肌肤全部的血液微循环,减轻脸部浮肿和黑眼圈,提升皮肤的自然光泽。easyface在清洁模式下每分钟最 多可产生8000次脉动,深层清洁肌肤的同时,有效祛除毒素,令肌肤更光滑细腻。通过T-Sonic脉动,easyface的圆形硅胶刷头能深层而又温和 地清洁肌肤,疏通并收缩毛孔,令肌肤更清爽亮丽、柔嫩光滑。6. 简单直观,方便携带,完全防水每种模式的强度可通过按“正负键&dquo;进行调节,,会自动保存设置方便下次使用;内置电池充满一次电可重复使用多次,方便旅行携带。easyface具有密封的充电插口,实现了完全防水,可在澡盆泡澡或淋浴时放心使用。
1. 去角质,清洁毛孔,缩小毛孔,减少油性皮肤出油量,去死皮,消痘;2. 光滑皮肤,淡化细纹和皱纹,令皮肤更显年轻;3. 促进护肤品吸收;4. 使用效果很温和,每天可用两次;5. 防水,可在浴室使用;6. 刷毛极其温和,不易附着细菌,易清洗 厂名:东莞市嘉仕乐实业有限公司 联系人:刘先生 QQ:3131019105 手机:18520102120 业务服务热线:0769-84574858 EMAILL:GHRUBBERMODEL@126.COM YJ84574858@126.COM 地址:广东省东莞市寮步镇泉塘街村金松路19号 请进入本厂网址观看更多热销产品://pany engaged in silicone ubbe poducts, mold design poduction and pocessing sevices pofessional band manufactues, Main: silicon ubbe gift (fo example: silicon ubbe spots goods, silicone swimming cap, silicone swimming appliances small gifts, mobile phone sets of silicone, silicone lid, silicone bacelet, silicone ubbe dog toys, hai and beauty supplies, silicone ubbe goods, silicone wallet, silicone glove, scape, fozen disc, cake mold, hotplate silicone kitchen utensils etc.) and all kinds of silicone ubbe pats ( such as silicon ubbe, silicone ubbe plate, silicone ubbe O ing, silica gel gasket, ubbe gasket, ubbe watepoof fiepoof oil seals, silicone seals, silicone ubbe pad, silicone ubbe plug, sets of silicone, silicone standad pats, silicone ubbe tie model, silicone miscellaneous pieces of silica gel, silica gel, silicone tademaks, spae pats, toys, ubbe, automotive ubbe pats, ubbe ties, ubbe miscellaneous pieces and so on ), suitable fo home funishing fashion, electonic appliances, beauty salons, health and toys in vaious fields, at the same time independent fomulations to meet diffeent custome envionments using ( high / low tempeatue, ozone esistance, oil esistance coosion, abasion esistance, slip esistance, watepoof, fie etc.). By vitue of foeign high-quality custome esouces, fo domestic factoies in the quality of poducts and sevices to lay a good foundation, the factoy has moe than ten yeas of pofessional ( silicon ) ubbe technology implementation management and contol, to povide customes with quality poducts and sevices. Entepise stong technical foce, advanced equipment, vaiety complete, has a stong independent development capacity mode, with a numbe of poduction lines and is vey efficient poduction management level. Excellent ability of OEM, ODM, though food gade FDA, SGS, RohS, LMBG ( LFGB and food-gade cetification. Poducts ae expoted to Noth Ameica, Japan, Euope, South Ameica, Austalia, Asia and othe counties and egions, in good faith, stength and quality of poducts ecognized by the industy. Welcome fiends fom all cicles to visit ou factoy visit, guidance and business negotiation.我们保证将以最优良的品质,最低廉的价格及最快的交货时间为你提供最具效率的服务产品工艺:100%纯天然固体硅橡胶经油压机压制而成产品材质:纯硅胶安全标准: 产品可通过SGS通标标准检测,FDA食品级检测,欧盟ROHS等各项环保检测,不含规定禁用的各类重金属及有毒物质,环保无毒品质控制: 原料-检验-配料-混炼-检验-成型-后序加工-检验-包装- 抽验-出货 公司宗旨: 同等质量比价格.同等价格比质量!!!